AI has changed what Boards, CEOs and CHROs want in Executive Talent
Boards, CEOs and Chief Human Resource Officers have significantly shifted what they want when it comes to hiring executive talent.
Here are my key observations:
Strategic AI Leadership:
When it comes to recruiting for executive roles, the bar has been raised. CEOs and CHROs are not just looking for leaders who can manage AI; they're seeking Executive talent who view AI as a strategic asset to the organisation’s long-term success.
Ability to Steer Through Change:
The ability to guide an organisation through periods of change has become paramount. As we learn, understand, and ultimately operationalise AI, leaders must be adept at leading change associated with both technological and cultural shifts.
Commitment to Lifelong Learning:
The fast-paced evolution of AI and other technologies means that adaptability and a commitment to continuous learning are now non-negotiables in the executive leaders who drive our organisations. The attitude and appetite for lifelong learning is now among the top four traits decision-makers are looking for in the executives they hire.
Emotional Intelligence Version 2.0:
As AI takes over more functional tasks, the human elements of empathy and emotional intelligence are becoming key differentiators in the hiring process. Leaders who demonstrate the ability to understand the ‘’current emotional state’’ of the organisation they lead are being more favourably received by the interview panel.
Actions to Take Before Starting Your Next Executive Recruitment Process:
Before diving into your next executive search, reevaluate your hiring criteria. Move beyond just technical leadership skills. Your next executive leader should excel in navigating complex changes, particularly as AI becomes a cornerstone in operations. Look for a leader equipped to guide your organisation through both tech-driven and cultural transformations. Good luck!
Let's Discuss:
I'd love to hear your thoughts. Do these observations resonate with you? How are you adapting your hiring strategies to meet these new demands? If you'd like to connect, you can reach me at