Owners Of The Business Working For You
Gerard is an owner of the business. His business pride is on the line for your recruitment needs.
Highly Experienced Career Recruiters
Gerard Kerr has spent 20 years in the recruitment industry as a career recruiter and is a fully qualified dedicated career professional.
Full Focus
The Kingston Human Capital team are fully dedicated to your placement. We are a highly specialised business that focusses on a small number of high quality placements that get full attention from our best people.
Outstanding Value for Money
We are not the cheapest recruiter, but nor the most expensive. We do pride ourselves on being the BEST value for your investment. Because of our dedication to your team's talent, we place the right people that have a long-lasting impact on your business.
Placements That Matter
Gerard is currently on a streak of 134 consecutive weeks of continued employment in the same job for all the executives he has placed in the last four years.
Plus A Recruitment Guarantee
What if the person you hire through a recruitment agency doesn't work out?
A recruitment guarantee is your warranty. It is essentially an assurance that you are hiring a team member who fits the brief, is engaged with your organisation and the role - and will stay.