Did you know 4 out 10 employees feel like they get little or no feedback and 65% of them want to receive more?
The key question of course is how do you do in an efficient and effective way. In this short video, Katie shares an effective and efficient framework you can use right away.
The ability to provide effective feedback - is becoming a major point of emphasis of late, particularly when it comes to onboarding new hires - quickly and effectively. Office Vibe report that 4 out of 10 employees feel they get little or no feedback. 65% of employees want to receive move feedback. And that only 58% of Managers feel they are giving enough feedback to their team members.
New hires want to receive more feedback so that they can make sure they are on track and hitting the right benchmarks .We know that employee engagement drives both productivity and retention. And We know that effect feedback maps directly to how quickly our newest hires get up and running within our businesses.
The good news is that some of Queensland’s employers of choice are taking active steps and evaluating just how effective their feedback mechanisms are. Here is one example. Our client decided they needed to develop more of feedback-based culture in their organisation. The problem they were having was that in their company feedback was only given to team members during their monthly Performance meetings.
By waiting this long, they found they were not optimising their team members or harnessing their productivity. And from the new hire’s perspective, they felt that their monthly performance meetings were too heavy covering too many items but lacking any specific examples, that they could work from.
Here’s the solution we helped them implement. On the first day of the new Hire’s induction, as part of the day-one training plan - we introduce the new hire to the More/Better/ Different framework. The More/Better/Different framework is an Employee – led feedback sourcing mechanism.
The employee is trained in a framework that empowers them with 3 easy questions that helps them “Pull” feedback from their line manager about their progress and performance. Its quick and easy for new team members to use, and the training time takes a whopping 30 minutes.
Here is how it works: At a suitable time the new hire simply checks-in with their manager and says: “Jason, I’m just checking in” , “what do I need to be doing more of? (this question pulls feedback about what’s going well, and what “ I” as the employee should focus on delivering more of – its helps me identify my good behaviours.
The next question is “What specifically do I need to do better? (this question pulls feedback about what I am not doing so well, it helps me identify what I need to improve on) and the final question is “is there anything I should be doing differently?” (this question pulls feedback about what I’m doing that might need a bit of evolution or change).
The benefits of the More, Better Different Feedback mechanism are threefold; Because these questions elicit specific answers for the new employee, they identify specific behaviours that need enhancement improving or simply more of… The mitigate the constant employee complaint that feedback is not specific enough.
By making the new hire a “equal partner” who shares the responsibility of sourcing feedback we not only empower them to get solid feedback in real time, instead of waiting for their formal performance meeting, We also remove the onus from just the manager to provide feedback. It becomes a two-way practice, real time, with greater frequency, allowing for more improvement over a shorter period. This is an empowering and proactive move. And by indoctrinating this practice right from day one, it breeds a feedback-based culture, right from the get-go.
New Hires become used to eliciting feedback and managers become use to providing it in real time – this carries through the organisations over time – feedback conversations are no longer scary – they are a proactive part of business as usual. Feedback becomes embedded into culture.